E10 Fuel July 09, 2020
I recently read an interesting article explaining the Pros & Cons of E10 fuel. To be honest many European countries have been using it for many ... [MORE]
COVID-19 March 27, 2020
We are OPEN for mail order business during these difficult times. To protect everybody & comply with Gov. guidelines we are running with a skele... [MORE]
BREXIT DAY January 31, 2020
Today is ‘THE DAY’ that the United Kingdom officially leaves the European Union, however, there is nothing short term which will need to... [MORE]
ETHANOL IN FUEL January 20, 2017
The Perceived Problems with Ethanol
As far as we are aware it is only a perceived problem that we have yet to see any evidence of during our recond... [MORE]
NEW 48 DCO/SPs August 03, 2011
After the manufacturing equipement was overhauled the 48 DCO/SP carburetter is available again.
Previously the casting on 48 DCO/SPs was quite ... [MORE]
We've MOVED!! January 21, 2011
Finally we are up & running in our new premises in Crawley. The new phones have at last been installed,only 6 weeks late!
Details are ... [MORE]
We're on the move December 02, 2010
Week commencing the 13th Dec we are moving to Crawley.
Our new address will be;
Unit 7 Priestley Way
Off Gatwick Road
West... [MORE]
TWITTER October 28, 2009
At last we have moved with the times and are now on Twitter.
To keep upto date with news and special offers just click on the following link;
... [MORE]
SCI Performance Launch December 01, 2003
A new name in
motorsport and performance tuning
Following several months of planning we are please... [MORE]